Journal Editorial Policy

«Science» is a scientific journal that publishes scientific articles on pressing issues of industry science. The editorial board, reviewers and authors of the journal strive to comply with high standards of scientific and publication ethics: transparency of interaction between the editors and authors of the journal, mandatory review of all articles submitted to the journal, free access to publications.

The journal is an open access publication: all users are free and free to read, download, link and copy published materials.

The journal is published in accordance with the following basic principles of editorial policy:

The editorial board of the journal is guided in its activities by the principles of professionalism, objectivity, scientificness, and impartiality. The authors, members of the editorial board, and the editor-in-chief of the journal have ethical obligations associated with the preparation of a scientific publication and the dissemination of scientific research results. The editorial team’s interaction with the authors is based on the principles of transparency, honesty, courtesy, fairness and objectivity.

All the contents of the journal, except for advertising and editorial publications, clearly marked as such, undergo mandatory review. Manuscripts are being prepared for publication.

Informational transparency. The journal’s website publishes in the public domain information about the publishing house, the editorial board, reviewing and publishing scientific articles, and other information in accordance with the informational openness of the publication.

The author of the publication should be a person who has largely participated in its creation. All authors must consent to the publication. Copyright is respected in accordance with the legislative and regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.